Melbourne Dental Veneers Cost, Procedure and Benefits
Dental Porcelain Veneers
Dental veneers
Unlike a dental crown covering the entire tooth, a porcelain veneer is a thin covering of porcelain glued over the front (visible) of the tooth. Veneers are commonly used in cosmetic dentistry to improve the aesthetics of teeth imperfections.
Porcelain veneers can correct
- Uneven or crooked teeth
- Tooth shapes that are out of proportion
- Stained or yellow teeth that cannot be whitened
- Smiles with too much gum showing
- Sensitive teeth
- Worn-down or old-looking teeth
How are veneers fitted?
The dentist removes a small amount of enamel from the front and sides of the tooth, which makes room for the veneer and prevents the restored tooth from feeling or looking bulky or unnatural. An impression of the prepared teeth is then made, colour-matched by shade, and sent to the lab for the veneers to be made.
At the next visit, the veneers will be tried on the teeth to check for the correct fit and shape. After adjustments, the teeth are cleaned, and the porcelain veneers are bonded to the teeth with dental cement. A second option, resin-based composite veneers, is available at MC Dental and can be fitted in a single appointment. After the tooth is prepared or reshaped, the composite material (colour-matched to your other teeth) is bonded and sculpted onto the teeth. A special light is used to harden the composite, and the veneer is smoothed and polished to look like a natural tooth. This type of veneer is not as long-lasting or aesthetically pleasing as the porcelain option.
The benefit of porcelain veneers
There are many benefits to porcelains, mainly to give your teeth a healthy and natural appearance. The translucent and glass-like appearance of porcelain veneers is undetectable and natural compared to other bonding techniques. The laminate takes on the tooth’s natural shape and is resistant to coffee, tea or cigarette stains due to the heat-fired ceramic.
Veneers cost and procedure
Discuss the pricing of veneers with our professional dentist to determine the most suitable option for your needs. In general porcelain veneers may incur higher costs compared to resin veneers. Additionally, explore alternative solutions for enhancing your smile, including our professional dentist teeth whitening services, used and loved by Miss Universe Australia.
For inquiries or appointments, feel free to reach out to MC Dental seven days a week at 03 8608 8968. Alternatively, you can conveniently schedule your appointment at a dental clinic in close proximity to you.